.Welcome to Day Two of the revamped Art Infliction.

Day One wasn't an overwhelming day in terms of site visits, but that's okay because it's a marathon and not a sprint. And it wasn't a failure in our minds, because we got a nice Day One turnout.

We have new content to report about today, with Tat Tuesday getting its inaugural entry and a SwaneWorld getting a new item for sale in its product line. You can find the former in Tats What's Up! via While & After, and the latter on our SwaneWorld page via the Shopping Directory.

We've also added a Nog subpage, entitled Nogchives, where you can archives of every Nog report. Plus, we've also slightly modified our PayPal Reminder page, and discontinued the housing of Steve Kaycee's soon-to-be out of print rhyme eBook on The S-Factor page.

Today is the debut of Twitter Tuesday, where we promote an Art Infliction/Spenny product from our Customized Girl branch each and every Tuesday. Head over to the Twitter Tuesday page in our Featured Promos section to check it out.

And finally, we've added a suggestion box to give anyone the chance to give a suggestion on what to add and/or subtract on this site. You will find it located on the widget sidebar.

Well, that's all for now.

Enjoy and until tomorrow, thank you for tuning into The Nog.


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